The Reserve Bank of Australia's decision at its monthly board meeting met market expectations that the Australian economy does not immediately need the added boost of cheaper credit. 澳大利亚储备银行在其月度董事会议上的这份决议符合市场的预期,即澳大利亚经济并不马上需要增加低廉的贷款,以增加促进力量。
The CITI itself has also approached the Reserve Bank of India, the country's central bank, demanding a credit relief package for affected companies. 印度纺织工业联盟也已求助于印度储备银行,印度中央银行,要求对资金短缺的公司放宽信贷通道。
India put on an unexpected spurt of growth in the last quarter fuelled by sharply rising consumer credit and government spending, increasing the prospects that the central bank will raise borrowing costs for the fourth time in a year. 由于消费者信贷和政府支出大幅增长,印度经济在第三季度呈现迅猛增长态势,增幅超出市场预期,从而加大了印度央行(reservebankofindia)一年内第四次加息的可能性。
But persistent inflationary pressure has forced the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, to keep interest rates high, which in turn has hit retail credit, from home loans to car and unsecured personal loans. 但持续的通胀压力已迫使印度央行(reservebankofindia)保持高利率水平,因而对零售信贷业包括房屋按揭、车贷及无抵押个人贷款构成了打击。
In theory, raising the deposit reserve ratio had a significant effect to control the scale of commercial bank credit. 一般情况,存款准备金率的上调会对商业银行信贷规模产生重要的影响。